#TBT River Talks - Navega SP Institute

😍Today we have a beautiful #tbt that not only makes us happy but also proud, because it was an immense honor to interview the great actor Pascoal da Conceição🤗 @pascoaldaconceicao and the musician Ito Alves @uilson_alves at the 1st Navega SP Festival where, together with @inspnavegasp and the multi-artist and researcher @victorkinjo we celebrated World Rivers Day. 🚣♀🚣
🎬In addition to the interview, we at @redpillmk, with technical advice from the fantastic @paulabatich.prof, worked on the organization, scripting and communication of this unforgettable event.⛵
You can watch the full Festival, including this video, at: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVsX7pkhpgAQawiJkvNYlOT56LyLgelat
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