We are Red Pill Strategy and Marketing

Hello, we're Red Pill, as you prefer...
But maybe we're not the one you think.
Lately, this name has taken over the web in a controversial movement about the position of some digital influencers in relation to their maturity and women.
But I'm not here to talk about what we're not. I'm here to talk about who we are!
In our agency, the red pill is inspired by the 1999 film The Matrix, which brings with it references to Plato's myth of the cave, from 428 BC, where people saw only projected figures in their cave prison, believing that those shadows were their only representation of the world. With this selfish and limited vision, they believed themselves to be the supreme and exclusive owners of the truth... like Narcissus in front of his mirror. In our analogy, this is the blue pill, the opposite of the red pill, but the red pill frees human thought and evolution.
Our red pill represents freedom of thought and the development of human beings' full potential through creativity and innovation, regardless of gender or sexual orientation.
Our Red Pill leads us to think as individuals and as a collective, respecting equality and equity, where men and women have the same potential and the same responsibilities.
When we invite you to "take the red pill", we're showing you how to revolutionize your business's communication strategy, with our team of women and men, copywriters, designers and programmers, creating high-quality marketing, endomarketing and business strategy actions with results beyond expectations.
As I said, I'm not here to tell you who we're not, but who we are, because we value the talent and strength of the women and men who make Red Pill your strategy and marketing agency.
Now that you know who we are, I'd like to invite you to learn more about our work at redpillmkt.com.br and create incredible things... together!
"No one is more of a slave than someone who thinks he's free but isn't" (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe).